I realized yesterday that I spend hours each week talking about, thinking about and planning for all of my nutritional goals. And yes, I know all of this thinking-talking-planning is important, but I feel like I have been neglecting any strength and fitness goals as well. I do keep up with going to all of my scheduled Crossfit classes, but except for a few ideas that randomly float around in my head, I haven't actually set any goals lately.
So yesterday while I was sitting on my couch, lost in the awesomeness that is Game of Thrones, I decided to grab one of my many log books and right out, on the first page, all of my Strength and Fitness goals.
Without further adieu, here they are:
5 Pull Ups - 7 Pull Ups - 10 Pull Ups
1 Dip - 3 Dips - 5 Dips
215 Back Squat - 225 Back Squat
275 Deadlift - 300 Deadlift
BW Bench Press
1 Muscle Up
15 Push Ups - 20 Push Ups - 25 Push Ups
1 HSPU - 3 HSPUs - 5 HSPUs
15 DUs - 20 DUs - 30 DUs - 50 DUs
8:30 minute Mile
Whole 30
My current Back Squat is 200, Bench Press is 130, and Deadlift at 255. I'm pretty sure I can get the 1 Dip, the 5 Pull Ups and maybe the 15 Push Ups now, but I need to retest this. And of course, the format is, once I get the first goal, I move on to the second...ie...once I get 5 Pull Ups down, then my next Pull Up goal is 7, etc.
My Whole 30 started yesterday, with the stipulation that I am allowed 1 packet of Stevia a day in my morning coffee. It's that, or no Whole 30. But you know, I don't feel bad; this is my diet, so I need to do with it what I need to do for me and no one else.
I've had a couple of people offer me suggestions on some training tips to get me to these goals as fast I can; I will post future blogs on some of the training methods that I am doing and any results.
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