Monday, April 18, 2011

Goals - my undoing?

Le Sigh. It seems to happen every time. I can tell myself that I'm going to be strict paleo for the next xxx number of days, or stop doing this or stop eating that. But the minute numbers come into play, in terms of my 'goals'....well, I go a bit mental.

Lately I've been pretty strict during the weekdays, more relaxed on the weekends. And it hasn't caused me much thought or stress. But then today, I made the declaration on twitter that I wanted to lose an inch off each thigh. Well, I want to lose multiple inches off my thighs....and my hips and my waist, etc etc, but I wondered how long it would take to lose an inch off each thigh.

So of course, I started thinking about my diet, about my Crossfit regime and about adding in running. And then I thought about my diet some more. I've been losing a few pounds and a half an inch here and there each week so I figured I was doing good and didn't really need to change much. You know, just a few more strict tweaks here and there.

Then this afternoon hit. The afternoons are the worst for me. I usually get up early and do Crossfit in the a.m. I hate WODing with food in my stomach so I usually work out without breakfast, and then my post WOD shake or meal is my first meal of the day. Of course, I'm starving when I'm done with Crossfit but usually my chicken & veggies or my Progenex is enough to keep me full until lunch time. But sometimes it seems no matter what I eat for Meal 1 and Meal 2....the afternoons are met with famish hunger, as if I hadn't eatten at all.

Normally, I try to do 3 on, 1 off in terms of Crossfit and running but today was Day 4 on for me and I pushed pretty hard this morning. So of course, after making these new goals today....dropping inches here, dropping pounds there....with the desire of doing it in the next week or two....when the afternoon famine hunger hit, I started to panic. Of course, I've been eating when hungry and not depriving myself. I've tried protein, I've tried healthy fats. Nothing is keeping me full today.

Enter - distress! Panic! Oh no, how do I plan to lose inches when I can't stop eating?????

I think really the question I need to ask myself is, how do I plan to lose inches when I can't stop stressing????


  1. Jamie, try adding in more fats? A little bird is suggesting dark chocolate covered almonds. Sounds great to me. Since i can't have any sugar until May 30. :/

  2. I feel like I get too much fat because I don't know how much is too much :-/ But I will try those, thanks :)

  3. I recently switched from Progenex to X-werks and really like it!
