Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: Year of being uncomfortable!

Yeah's a New Year....blah blah etc. It's not that I'm not a fan of the whole "New Year" concept; I'm just not a fan of "New Year's Resolutions". I believe that making a positive change in your life isn't something you just plan to do at the start of a new year. It takes work and dedication 365 days of every single year of your life.

But, with that being said, of course I do have goals in mind for 2012. I have goals in mind all of the time. I did a strict diet for 3-4 weeks before Christmas and now I'm back on Whole30 to erase the mistakes I made for 2 weeks of "free eating". (Ugh!) It will be challenging since I will be on work travel to Dallas for the first four weeks of January (Double Ugh!)

I think my number one goal/focus right now is to make 2012 as uncomfortable as possible! I seriously need to be jolted out of my comfort zone, in all facets of my life. Fitness, Diet, Work, School, Personal Life.....the only way to progress and accomplish all of my smaller goals (ie...a muscle up and a 325lb deadlift) is to get out of my comfort zone and get at it.

I'm also looking forward to coaching some of my friends in their new diet/health goals for 2012. :)

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