Yay! Today is December 1st! Why am I so excited? First of the month = new challenge!
A few months ago, my now dear friend Heather was tweeting on Twitter about an October Burpees Challenge, which is how I found her on twitter and we've become great friends since! I did this challenge for a few weeks - yes, not all of October, but still, a few weeks in and it has greatly improved my speed and efficiency...just ask the cute guy at my box who I beat last week at a MetCon containing burpees ;)
The challenge: 15 burpees a day + the date. Simple math. (Oh Crossfit, how you've made me a better math student....)
December 1st: 15 + 1
December 2nd: 15 + 2
And so forth, until December 31st, which is 15 + 31 = 46....and then January 1st is the day of rest.
Doing this burpee challenge on your WOD days is not very difficult; it's really not that many burpees. What got me back in October was I would forget on my rest days to do them. And who wants to do 15+x twice for making up a missed day???
My goal for this month's challenge: Do as many as possible unbroken. Leading up to December 15th, I'm going to try to do all unbroken. Then we'll see after that. 30+ burpees is no joke!
One of the things I absolutely LOVE about this month's challenge is that my loud mouth has definitely paid off in support; I posted it in my Facebook status and all over twitter, and now I have seriously 20-30 people saying they will be doing this challenge with me! And these are not all Crossfitters, which is what I love.
#GetSome folks!
January's challenge....maybe Double Unders?? I'm taking suggestions!